Australian Government STC Incentive Scheme
The Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme is a government initiative to ensure that 20% of Australia’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2020. The RET scheme encourages more people to help the environment by installing solar panels and helps communities with the installation costs. Under the scheme, funds are issued in the form of Small Technology Certificates (STCs) to the property owner, reducing their financial costs.
Save on your electricity bills
A solar panel system is the most viable way of producing electricity at a very affordable cost. Solar systems can generate electricity on your roof while the sun shines, producing enough electricity to reduce your bill by up to half or, in some cases, almost the full amount! There is virtually no cost involved with installing a solar system, as it can be covered by savings on your electricity bills in the early years after installation.
Increase the value of your property
Many real estate gurus have spoken about the involvement of renewable sources of energy in assisting in selling a property at the desired price. By installing a solar system, the property owner will save considerably on electricity bills which will pay back most of the cost of installing the solar system. The property buyer will see the benefit of not paying for the installation of the solar system and enjoy an efficient, environmentally friendly source of energy powering their property.
Minimal maintenance after installation
Once the solar system installation is complete, it requires only minimal maintenance to remain operating at optimal performance. Standard maintenance will be needed every two years, which will usually cost around $80 to $120. Once the solar panels are in place, they will be washed by rain regularly. With our great warranty deal, you have peace of mind that in the unlikely event that any damage should occur, your solar system is covered under warranty.